Office Leases in Maslak have increased by 50% in 5 Years

01_09 04 tskbgd @ posta 16

TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc. Appraiser Delal Ekinci has advised that office lease prices in Maslak have increased by 50% over the last 5 years. Ekinci, who has shared the 'Maslak-Ayazağa Region Assessment’ they have prepared, has said, "While the prices are 30-35 dollars in the Etiler-Levent region where the most expensive offices in Istanbul are located, they have reached the levels of 28 dollars in Maslak. As a result of the researches made in the Maslak region, Ekinci has stated that the square meter prices of residential units varied between 6 thousand 500 and 9 thousand 500 liras, and has expressed that the stock of offices on sale is limited in the region and the square meter prices of these are at the levels of 4-6 thousand dollars.

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