Who are we?


TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc. has been founded in November 2002. It has been included in the ‘Real Property Valuation Companies’ list by the Capital Markets Board in February 2003 and has acquired the title of the first private organization with a CMB license.

TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc. is an affiliate of the Turkish Industrial Development Bank (Türkiye Sinai Kalkınma Bankası-TSKB). We rise on the expertise of our main shareholder TSKB in real property, machinery and equipment valuation.

We always feel the reputation and power of the TSKB brand in the market for more than half a century behind us, and guide domestic and foreign investors for the correct and reliable steps in their real property investments by our visionary consultancy services.

We generate innovative and different solutions in the field of consultancy by our experienced and specialized staff that is growing stronger every day, and offer comprehensive services to our broad customer mass.

TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc., registering its service quality by the prestigious RICS certificate that is acknowledged internationally, in addition to its CMB and BRSA licenses, is also the first company that offers valuation services for green building investments in Turkey. TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Inc. appraises the potential value of an asset or real property, a real property project or the rights and benefits associated with a real property on a specific date, independently and impartially; and offers services such as market investigation, feasibility analysis, most efficient and best use analysis and concept development consultancy, for real properties within the scope of its consultancy services.

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