Our Human Resources Policy


TSKB Real Estate Appraisal has established its position in the sector by the strength and support it receives from its employees, and human resources constitute our most valuable asset.

TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Human Resources Policy;

  • We recruit our employees by a competence-based principle, with the aim to select the human resources that will protect and develop our corporate values.
  • We define our objectives and strategies with the participation of our employees, because “we all are in the same boat”.
  • We measure and evaluate the performances of our employees periodically and objectively, as based on certain criteria, and award them depending on the exhibited performances.
  • We care about the motivation of our employees and maintain the dynamism in our work environment through various Human Resources practices.
  • We raise the managers of our establishment in-house and choose our leaders from among our staff.
  • We prepare training plans with the inputs of our employees, in order to increase their performances and competences in line with their professional and personal development requirements and in order to allow them to explore their own potentials.

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